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Why Belgium does it better (part 2)

Part two of this two-part post on why Belgium does it better has to do with bike paths.  Or, rather, what we in Canada call bike paths.  In Belgium it’s more like a expansive network of exclusive bike roads linking all of the Flemish-speaking region.

Last weekend, my girlfriend and I took off from Brussels for a two day bike trip through part of the Flemish region, taking the train back to Brussels on Sunday evening.  I had heard that bike touring was good in Belgium, but coming from some experience bike touring in Canada, I assumed that this meant that there were plenty of country roads and generally polite drivers.

But, no, that’s only the beginning.  In fact, in the Flemish region, there is a huge network of bike-exclusive roads, which you navigate by going from one numbered checkpoint to another.  Actually, to be clear, the routes alternate between bike-exclusive paths and shared use as a minor road, which hardly differed from the bike-exclusive paths.  The entire network is in a fantastic state of maintenance, and extremely well sign-posted.

I’ll give a brief photo journey of the trip.  Coming out of Brussels, we went through the Foret de la Soigne, just outside the Brussels city centre, which boasts great scenery and a comprehensive set of trails for walking, running and cycling.  It suffered a little bit on the sign-posting front, but made up for it in beauty.

From there, we connected onto the Flemish network, which largely passed through the country-side.  There, we probably saw more apple orchards in harvest than cars.

So, why is it possible for Belgium to maintain this system over Canada?  There’s no doubt that it benefits from the proximity of one town to another.  However, there are certainly areas of Canada that have the same layout, and we don’t see a similar system.

More importantly, it benefits from the culture in Belgium.  People bike here.  They bike to work (although that is somewhat less the case in Brussels itself given how crowded the city is with cars).  They bike for recreation.  They bike to get groceries.  They bike as families, as couples or alone.  On Sunday morning, we saw at least a dozen bike teams, in matching jerseys, biking around the Flemish region.  Some appeared to be quite competitive, others didn’t.

There simply isn’t the same barrier here to bicycling as a mode of transport.  It’s done recreationally on a much wider scale than in Canada, but bicycles are also used for practical purposes on a routine basis, which probably in turn fosters their recreational use.

It’s this culture of bicycling in Belgium that allows them to sustain such an impressive system of bike routes.  It’s this culture that explains why Belgium does it so much better.

2 Comments for Why Belgium does it better (part 2)

Bikerick | October 14, 2008 at 8:01 am

One of the things I noticed and admired (and envied!) when I biked in Holland a few years ago was the pervasive bike mentality and the extensive network of trails there. I think the biggest reasons for that is a) they (Europe) have less over all space, and consequently look to smaller solutions (i.e. pedal and motor bikes over cars, and small cars over larger); b) as you note, the cities/towns/villages are closer together over a more extensive area, leading to economies of scale in creating that network; and c) most importantly,they have a milder climate than we have here in most of Canada, including earlier springs and later falls. So I don’t see that happening here soon… but it sure would be nice!

jac | November 2, 2008 at 11:27 am

“It’s this culture that explains why Belgium does it so much better.”

Agree! I’ve never been, but I hear about it.
Heck, even a so called 3rd world country (Costa Rica) does it better.

I just take a look at the mess we made of Canada over the past 400 years and our rush rush mentality without much thought about anything but prosperity…
No wonder why the automobile won the glorification that it has.
It’s very very well protected and subsidized.

What people don’t realize is the environmental, social and economic long term costs.
Until we see that in the pocket book. people will not change.

The bike is seen as a “toy” in the Americas.
Not seen as a viable means of transportation.
billions upon billions are handed out to find new forms of alternative energy for our “lazy” like ways of pushing our flesh around from A to B.
Yet, there is very very little funding to cycling. A true form of alternative transportation.
Shhhhhh… don’t tell the politicians that…

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